In the past centuries, the study of its genealogy has been driven largely by practical considerations. Only the nobility was engaged in the compilation of their ancestry to prove their belonging to the nobility. Now every year more and more people are interested in the history of the genus and want to create their family tree. And everyone has their own reasons. Let's try to understand why you should know your ancestry and what that knowledge can give. Studying the lineage is a connection to the roots and respect for their ancestors.

Твір з англійської: What does a person need for self-realization?/Що потрібно людині для самореалізації?

Issues of self-actualization (self-actualization) of the individual have traditionally been associated with humanistic psychology, in which the term is central. Let us pay attention to the idea of ​​self-realization in the national psychological science. The analysis allows opening the deep and meaningful philosophical and psychological foundations of this phenomenon. The only thing to keep in mind here is the infrequent use of the term"self-realization ."At the heart of a person's desire for self-fulfillment" notes D.O.

Твір з англійської: Why is it important to learn to be calm with others?/Чому важливо навчитися бути спокійними з іншими?

In the same situation, different people behave differently. Faced with troubles, one will long to worry and engage in self-indulgence, the other will tear himself away, take hold of himself and go on. This is the resilience of character that helps its owner to cope faster with failures and achieve great success in life. Sustainability is an important property that cannot be underestimated. It happens that a talented and intelligent person remains out of business only because she was unable to cope with herself in time, was afraid of difficulties, did not want to face unpleasant situations again.

Твір з англійської: How can openness help you succeed?/Як відкритість може допомогти вам досягти успіху?

There are many thoughts about achieving a person's life success. For some it is a gift of fate, parents, for others, it is a condition that is provided by someone for big money. I believe that getting what you want depends only on your personal strength and vitality. We must do our best, it makes us stronger, more resilient, wiser, smarter. Confirmation of my opinion is that, first, many people rely only on themselves, on their strength and intelligence. They do not expect the gift of fate or that someone will provide them with a good life.

Твір з англійської: What is the value of art? / Яка цінність мистецтва?

Art exists not so much for its own sake, but for the benefit, it can bring to man and society. Then we will talk about the values ​​of art, about those tasks that are solved with the help of man and society. Functions, or tasks, of art, are those goals which art explicitly or implicitly sets itself, those values ​​which the artist

Твір з англійської: By what criteria is it better to choose a future profession? / За якими критеріями краще вибрати майбутню професію?

First of all, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons, to evaluate different professions in terms of their pros and cons. The following questions should be considered: interest in the profession. Although small, but it should be. Interesting work brings neither joy nor pleasure. But it can cause stress and depression.

Твір з англійської: Why is it important to know your ancestry? / Чому важливо знати свій рід?

In the past centuries, the study of its genealogy has been driven largely by practical considerations. Only the nobility was engaged in the compilation of their ancestry to prove their belonging to the nobility. Now every year more and more people are interested in the history of the genus and want to create their family tree. And everyone has their own reasons. Let's try to understand why you should know your ancestry and what that knowledge can give. Studying the lineage is a connection to the roots and respect for their ancestors.

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